عروض الرحلات الجويّة من جامبوجيت ليمتد

إظهار المزيد
لا توجد رحلات طيران من هذه المدينة حالياً.

عن جامبوجيت ليمتد

Jambojet is the first low cost carrier in Kenya and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Kenya Airways. The carrier was established to help meet rising competition in Kenya Airways' core markets from new independent LCCs.

اقرأ المزيد

+254 711 024 545 +254 734 104 545 +254 711 024 501 For general inquiries:info@jambojet.com For bookings: reservations@jambojet.com For group bookings:groups@jambojet.com For compliments and complaints:customer.experience@jambojet.com