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Top 10 Hotels in Pontianak

Popular Accommodation Types in Pontianak

Wed, 12 Mar - Thu, 13 Mar

Top Attractions in Pontianak


    Named after the female spectre of Malay mythology, this bustling delta, traversed by the Kapuas River, is humid, hectic and anything but spooky. A hallmark sprawl of various ethnicities imbues a harmony that bleeds through its cuisine and festivals. Chinese and Malay culinary fusions await, from seafood dishes to desserts, and while the deliciousness digests, check out its riverside markets and beautiful landmarks including St. Joseph’s Cathedral and Mujahidin Mosque. recently found 77 hotels in Pontianak, Indonesia. Find a range of accommodation in Pontianak at great prices. Book luxury Pontianak hotels or find last minute accommodation. Save more on cheap hotels in Pontianak with affordable room rates.

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